
Weather data for Red Feather Lakes!

The weather station is installed on CA property. The system is mounted on a mast secured to the “little building” to the east of the main CA building. The rain measurement system can only measure water. The rain gauge operates by way of a very small tipping bucket beneath a large funnel, so almost no snow moisture is measured.

NOTE: The weather data presentation changed in October, 2018. The data in the block is very current. If you scroll down, you can view 24 hours of data for outside temperature and wind speed. If you pass your mouse pointer over the graphs, you can get the exact temperature for any ten minute increment. Enjoy!!

If you wish to enlarge the picture, left click on it. That will open it to a larger screen. Depending on your computer capability, you may be able to further expand the picture using your touch pad or mouse … or your fingers on a smart phone. Enjoy!!!

Camera pictures update every five minutes during daylight hours.

The camera image is now focused as well as it can be with this lens set.  Perhaps in the future, the Community Association can purchase a higher quality lens set, but for now, this will hopefully be sufficient.

Weather forecast from Weather Underground