Attention: Important Fire Mitigation Needed

The loss of two cabins in December, 2012 was due to the falling of a “beetle killed” tree onto power lines. We were EXTREMELY lucky to have avoided a horrible forest fire at that time.

It is critical that you remove any trees on your property that are dead and near enough to power lines to damage them when they fall. Pine trees do not have a tap root like most trees. They typically fall 3 to 5 years after they die, but in Red Feather, it can be much earlier due to the winds we often encounter. Please take action right away if this information pertains to you. You can call Poudre Valley REA and they will take the trees down for you, however you will need to remove the debris. Thank you

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Weather Station Status

The weather station receiver now resides at the Trading Post. Since the Trading Post has an emergency generator, we will be less sensitive to power outages. Next time you are in the Trading Post, please thank them for taking on this task. accutane 20 mg online Take a look on the weather link on this page. Temperature, wind speed, etc. updates every 6 minutes 24/7. The camera is fully operational and looks to the south over Ramona Lake. We have added a display of wind speed for the last 24 hours. The camera reports every 5 minutes during daylight hours.

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