Category Archives: General

Basil at the 181 adds new flavors to Red Feather Lakes

Courtesy – The Fort Collins Coloradoan, April 5, 2016
RED FEATHER LAKES — The little restaurant tucked away on Ramona Drive has been empty for a couple of years, but its history goes way back in this mountain community about 45 miles northwest of downtown Fort Collins.

The former High Country Inn was famous for its fried chicken, attracting diners from the surrounding towns, Wyoming and Fort Collins.

When the High Country closed in late 2010, it stayed empty for about 18 months before new owners opened The Wandering Moose in 2012. That lasted a couple of years.

Now, Chili Valdez and his wife, Tamara, have opened Basil at the One Eighty One, a restaurant and bar at 181 Ramona Drive.

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New RFL Community Road Sign

You may be aware of a decision by the RFL Plan Advisory Committee to raise funds and install a Red Feather Lakes Village sign on CR 74E just to the east of CR 67J which leads into the village.   The sign is in the County road right-of-way and the POA will be responsible for the sign if any maintenance is required.  If you look to the right as you approach CR 67J, you can’t miss it.  The cost was about $5500.  To date, a little over $3200 has been raised and spent.  Donations are requested and can be dropped off at the Trading Post or sent to the POA office:  RFL POA, PO Box 350, Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545.  Below is a picture of the newly completed project.  The sign itself is 3 1/2 feet high and 7 feet wide.  The overall height of the stone work is 7 feet above grade and the arrow is 18 1/2 feet long.  Please help us complete payment for this great addition to our community.

Many thanks to the Lions for their donation of $500.

74e sign


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Community Well Update

The community well on Main St. to the west of the Post Office is for the use of residents and visitors.  Over the years, the cost of weekly testing and buy xenical water treatment has increased significantly, amounting to over $1,100/yr in 2015.  This does not include the cost of electricity and building maintenance.  The POA Board decided there needs to be a method of cost recovery.  Therefore, we have installed a collection container and sign at the well.  Please contribute to this handy water source when you take water for your needs


Well Donation 2 Well Donation 1                                                                                                  .



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The Red Feather Lakes Property Owners Association By-Laws were last updated at the membership general meeting in July, 2014.  View them here:  2014 By-laws – Signed

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RFL Plan Advisory Committee Opportunities

The Red Feather Plan Advisory Committee still has current vacancies that need to be filled.  Serving on this committee is not very time consuming and can be a significant contribution to our beautiful place. RFL property owners and those that have an association with Red Feather can learn more about this committee at: RFL PAC Info. Though this committee cannot control what changes occur in Red Feather, it does make recommendations to the County Commissioners based on input obtained from the general community. The primary objective of the committee is to maintain the character and quality of Historic Red Feather. The committee meets monthly on the fourth Thursday at 1:30 PM in the Firehouse conference room. The current focus is on road maintenance in Red Feather with a focus on the east side of CR 67J.

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RFL Property Owners Assoc. Needs Board Members

We were successful in obtaining several new board members at our annual member meeting last month, however we still need a few more.  There are openings for 1 yr., and 2 yr. terms. This is a working board, but with a full staff, the work is distributed, fun, and rewarding. You need not be a full time resident in RFL. Board meetings typically run 60 to 90 minutes and there are usually five meetings over the summer beginning in May. We understand that part time residents value their time in Red Feather ….. want to come up and just relax, however with a full board (9 members) the work is not a big impact.

So Please …. consider joining our board of directors. If you join and find you cannot complete a full term, we understand. You may resign at any time.  You may just submit your name via the POA phone 970–881-2925, inform a current board member, or let us know using the “Contact” link on this web site. Our By-Laws provide an option whereby you can join the board with just the acceptance of the current board.  No need to wait for the next annual meeting.  Thanks!

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Pine Beetle Inspections

Mountain Pine Beetle attacks are on the decline along the Front Range, HOWEVER, Larimer County (Roosevelt National Forest) is still suffering significant damage. If you need help looking for pine beetle attacks, please go to the “Beetles” link and request a free inspection. Inspections are now available as weather allows. We cannot inspect if there is much snow on the ground. Ignoring a problem will lead to the loss of many additional trees. As you look at our hillsides, it is obvious this problem is growing worse. An inspection on Letitia in June 2014 resulted in over 15 attacked trees vs. zero attacks in the past. You will do yourself and your neighbors a big favor. YOU CAN SAVE YOUR TREES!!! buy xenical product 120 mg
There have been several inquiries about spraying. The POA does not make specific company recommendations, however it is recommended that you spray in late May or very early June. In past years, late June was fine, but the milder winters have brought about an earlier flying season. Be sure to use an experienced company with a history in RFL. Getting references is a good idea. We have heard reports of companies not spraying up to 30 feet or all the way around some trees. Both are necessary. Spraying usually costs $11 to $12/tree. If cost is a sensitive issue, the Forest Service recommends you just spray the trees that are most important to you and your property value.

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POA Facility Rental Fees

The POA Board of Directors reviewed the rental rates for POA facilities at their regular board meeting on October 11, 2014. The rates had not changed in over 15 years. In light of significant increases in cleaning costs and utility rates over that period, an increase in POA rental fees was needed and justified. The following fee schedule for the main POA building will be in effect beginning on January 1, 2015. These new fees are very competitive with surrounding facilities and are far less than similar facilities “down the hill”. Usage fees include use of the POA kitchen, bathrooms, PA system and cleaning supplies. Fees for use of the POA “Little Building” will be negotiated on a per use basis and are substantially lower than fees for the main building. For community groups using POA facilities on a weekly or monthly basis, fees can be negotiated based on usage extent and other factors.

Hourly rates:
$40 an hour for community, family, and nonprofit organizations
$50 hour for businesses
Weddings: 4 hour minimum @ $50/hr. up to 50 people – over 50 people: $75.00 per hour
POA Member Discount: $10 per hour


    Non-refundable deposit:

25% of total rental due upon booking charged for business, family, or community events. This deposit will be subtracted from the rental fee.

    Cleaning deposit:

$100 for family and private events; $50 for community, business and nonprofit. If the building is as clean as they found it, the deposit will be returned. If not, the deposit will be retained and used to pay for the required cleaning.

    Damage deposit:

$200 This deposit will be returned to the client if there is no damage to the building. If the building is damaged, the amount of the repairs will be subtracted from the deposit and the remainder will be refunded. If the damage is over $200, the client will be charged the amount beyond the $200.
The board will create a check list of conditions of the facility after the building is used and inspected to determine if the deposit is returned.

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RFL Storage & Irrigation – New Website

The Storage and Irrigation company has a new website. You can visit at: Red Feather Storage & Irrigation Co.: Drop by for a visit and learn the latest info on fishing the RFL lakes.

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Attention: Important Fire Mitigation Needed

The loss of two cabins in December, 2012 was due to the falling of a “beetle killed” tree onto power lines. We were EXTREMELY lucky to have avoided a horrible forest fire at that time.

It is critical that you remove any trees on your property that are dead and near enough to power lines to damage them when they fall. Pine trees do not have a tap root like most trees. They typically fall 3 to 5 years after they die, but in Red Feather, it can be much earlier due to the winds we often encounter. Please take action right away if this information pertains to you. You can call Poudre Valley REA and they will take the trees down for you, however you will need to remove the debris. Thank you

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